Your Privacy

We take privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your account and to provide the products and services you request from us.We only hold information that is necessary, any personal data we collect from you is lawfully managed under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ('GDPR').

Information we hold

• Name
• Address
• Phone number
• Email

How do we use this Information

• To take and process orders
• To provide delivery information
• To send invoices / receipts
• Credit control purposes
• To hold special pricing information personal to your account

We never store sensitive data or credit card information.


Who has access to your details?

Trained staff, using password protected computers with anti-virus.
Although we will make every reasonable effort to prevent data breaches, we cannot guarantee the security of information. However, we promise to notify the suitable authorities of data breaches, and to notify you if there is a threat to your rights or interests.
We will NOT sell, trade or rent your name or personal information to anyone else.
We do NOT sell, trade, rent or provide outside access to our mailing list at all.
We will not release your personal information to anyone unless required by law, search warrant, court order or fraud investigation.

How long is your information kept?

Information will be stored as long as we are permitted or required by relevant law or regulation. We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements.

You are under no contractual obligation to provide us with your personal data. However, failure to provide any necessary data may mean that we cannot fulfil orders that may be due to you.